The rules are simple.

1. Google is your friend. Some levels will require information from outside of the page to proceed. Just be careful about spoilers.

2. Keep in mind that absolutely no level is impossible. If you're stuck, take a break or back up and go over your clues again. If you're REALLY stuck, ask a friend or head to the forum for help.
      Note: Don't just give out level links to people!

3. No answer after the first few levels is going to be super in-your-face obvious. With that being said, you will not have to guess any of the answers. Every level can be solved using the clues provided!

4. Bookmark level pages, and save your answers. You never know when you're going to need to go back to a certain level for a clue.


5. remember me: c3VtbWVyc3dlbHRlciAg